D  Details for the curious

Running TeX2page creates in your working directory a bunch of files with the infix ‑Z‑. Here’s the whole story on what they are for:

Given an input TeX​ ​document whose main file is jobname.tex, the command

tex2page jobname
typically produces at least one output HTML file jobname.html, and possibly some additional HTML files, which are named jobname‑Z‑H‑1.html, jobname‑Z‑H‑2.html, and so on. Additional HTML files are created whenever the input document has commands requesting page breaks in the HTML output.

This is about all you need to know. However, TeX2page does manipulate many other little auxiliary files in order to communicate information both to external programs and across successive runs of itself. The following briefly describes the functions of these auxiliary files, should you ever need to look at them more closely, either out of curiosity or for debugging your document.

TeX2page displays on standard output the log of its progress with jobname.tex. A copy of this log is kept in the log file jobname.hlog.

TeX2page generates a style sheet in jobname‑Z‑S.css. This contains some default style information that TeX2page generates for every document, plus any style info supplied by the user via \cssblock statements in the document.

If jobname.tex uses the external program BibTeX​ ​for its bibliography, TeX2page sends information to BibTeX in the file jobname‑Z‑B.aux and receives information from BibTeX​ ​in the file jobname‑Z‑B.bbl.

If jobname.tex contains \index commands, TeX2page will dump the unsorted index into jobname‑Z‑I.idx and get from MakeIndex the sorted index jobname‑Z‑I.ind.

TeX2page uses the auxiliary files jobname‑Z‑L.lisp and jobname‑Z‑A.lisp to keep track of labels and other internal cross-references. Each run of TeX2page loads the jobname‑Z‑L.lisp and jobname‑Z‑A.lisp created by the previous run. If jobname.tex contains forward cross-references, TeX2page must be rerun at least once.

For the image portions of jobname.tex, TeX2page creates the auxiliary TeX files jobname‑Z‑G‑1.tex, etc, and uses external programs (as described on p. 6) to convert them to the corresponding image files jobname‑Z‑G‑1.png, etc. (This assumes you are using the default PNG format for images. If you had requested the GIF or JPEG format for images, the extensions of these aux files would be correspondingly different.)

The above are “single-use” images. jobname.tex may reuse some image files within itself. Such image files have slightly different names and are numbered separately: jobname‑Z‑G‑D‑1.png, etc.

Occurrences of \eval in jobname.tex don’t create auxiliary files when processed by TeX2page. However, if the document is processed by TeX, they’re accumulated in an auxiliary Lisp file called jobname‑Z‑E.lisp. This file is loadable in either Common Lisp or Scheme, thanks to another aux file called jobname‑Z‑E‑D.lisp. When loaded in Lisp, jobname‑Z‑E.lisp will create a series of aux TeX​ ​files jobname‑Z‑E‑1.tex, etc., which are inserted back into jobmame.tex on a subsequent run of TeX.

By default, all these files are created in the working directory. To avoid cluttering up your working directory, you can specify a different target directory using one of the following three files:

(i) jobname.hdir in the working directory, i.e., a file with the same basename as the input document but with extension .hdir. For jobname.tex, this would be jobname.hdir.

(ii) .tex2page.hdir in the working directory.

(iii) .tex2page.hdir in the user’s HOME directory.

The first line of the first of these files that exists is taken to be the name of the target directory. If none of these files exist, the current working directory is the target directory.

The .hdir file may contain the TeX​ ​control sequence \jobname, which expands to the basename of the input TeX​ ​document.