TeX2page makes Web pages from TeX [29] manuscripts. It reads an input document that is marked up in plain TeX or LaTeX [33, 36] and produces an output document with the functionally equivalent HTML markup. TeX2page uses the same input file syntax, calling conventions, and error-recovery mechanisms as TeX. Thus, TeX2page demands no additional expertise of a user already familiar with TeX. TeX2page runs on Common Lisp and modern Schemes.
There are several advantages to keeping the document source in TeX and leaving the task of converting to HTML to TeX2page: There is no need to write and maintain two separate documents, one for paper and the other for the screen. Indeed, there is no need to learn a new input format, as TeX2page reuses a format already in wide and stable use for printed documents [47, 10]. Creating TeX source requires no special-purpose software; any text editor will do. Furthermore, an ecology of powerful and reliable tools such as BibTeX [39], MakeIndex [32], and MetaPost [21, 28] has developed around TeX, and its benefits can be enjoyed by TeX2page too.
Finally, TeX, unlike HTML, is a programming language, which lets the composer of the document exercise a fine control over its structure and presentation. A converter such as TeX2page that can convert TeX macro definitions in addition to basic TeX markup enables the format converted to to also benefit from TeX’s extensibility. For the cases where TeX2page’s implementation of the TeX macro system is not manipulable enough, the document writer can use the TeX2page extension language, which is full Common Lisp or Scheme augmented with all the TeX2page procedure definitions.
The rest of this manual is organized as follows:
1 Running TeX2page
2 TeX commands
3 TeX2page commands
4 TeX commands with a difference
5 Referring to external documents
6 Flags
7 Style
8 Verbatim text
9 Images
10 Extending TeX with Lisp
11 Recovery from errors
A Also in Scheme
B Bibliography
C Configuring TeX2page
D Details for the curious
E Extremely tiny index