1  Using an Scmxlate configuration

Scenario: You are an end-user who has just downloaded a Scheme package, say, TeX2page. The package author claims to have included the Scmxlate configuration details in the package. What do you do?

First, you need to have Scmxlate installed on your system. Get Scmxlate from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/ds26gte/scmxlate
This creates a directory called scmxlate. Place this directory in its entirety in a place that is convenient to you. Among the files in this directory is the file scmxlate.scm. Note down its full pathname so you can refer to it from anywhere on your filesystem. Just to make it concrete, let’s assume you put the scmxlate directory in /usr/local/lib. Then the full pathname to remember is


Now to configure the TeX2page package. Unpack it and cd to its directory.

For each Scheme file filename that is to be translated, there may (but not necessarily) be a user-configuration file scmxlate‑filename in the top directory. If the instructions that came with the package suggest you edit them, do so. In our example package, there is only one user-configuration file, it is called scmxlate‑tex2page.rkt, and it doesn’t seem to require any edits from the casual user.

Start your Scheme or Common Lisp in the top directory (being in that directory is important!). In your Scheme (or Common Lisp), type

(load "/usr/local/lib/scmxlate/scmxlate.scm")

where the load argument is of course the correct pathname of the file scmxlate.scm for your setup.

Scmxlate may ask you a few questions. A choice of answers will be provided, so you don’t need to be too creative. When Scmxlate finishes, you will be left with a version of the package tailormade for you.